Monday, April 11, 2011

Will the color pattern of the dewlap have an effect on the mating success of male brown anoles?

Alexis Harrison is interested in finding out how important the physical appearance (phenotype) of the dewlap is in the reproductive success of the male brown anole. Alexis is testing the hypothesis that males with more red on their dewlaps will father more offspring than males with less red on their dewlaps. To test this question she is changing the dewlaps of some of the males we will be releasing on the islands. When we return to these islands we will take DNA samples of the new hatchlings to find out how many offspring each male has produced by the end of the season. To change the color of the dewlap she give the lizards tattoos that change the amount of red on the dewlap.


  1. jasmin ramos, per.1April 11, 2011 at 6:29 AM

    hey mr. reedy this is jasmin from first hour just wanted to let you know that looks like animal crualtiy but i like the red color.... hope your having a great time.

  2. I really want to know if this hypothesis is true, I believe the red dewlaps would be the more succesful dewlap color because its a dark an intimidating color, but how do you check the DNA if the color is going to be tattood.

  3. Dalia Rodriguez 1 periodApril 11, 2011 at 6:32 AM

    Subject:Bio 1st,
    How many green anoles have you found so far???

    Why do you have to paint the lizards???

    Have you found any baby lizards???

  4. how did you tattoo the dewlap did you use a needle to tattoo it or did you just paint the dewlap?

  5. Don't the lizards cry because of the pain their in or do they not feel anything when doing that?

  6. So Im guessing that for each different species, you gave them different colored tattos?

  7. Does that hurt the lizards,do you sedate them or something?

  8. Mr Reedy my comment question of the day is Are you enjoying your self? And if you found anymore unique lizards just like the messed up tailed brown anole!!! Mmmmmmmmm!

  9. Griselda Rodriguez 1st periodApril 11, 2011 at 6:37 AM

    Hello Mr.Reedy I would like for you to post a picture of a pregnant lizard por favor (:

  10. does it really matter to color the lizards a different color.? why is the reason for this.?

  11. Can the color fade?

  12. Does every lizard you find get the color of its dewlap changed?

  13. Do you have to you a specific kind of paint to do that?

  14. Mr Reedy when you go on your lunch break. How long do you take? Be honest.

  15. have you found any of the same lizards you painted?

  16. Griselda Rodriguez 1st period (:April 11, 2011 at 6:45 AM

    How have you been? If you find anymore lizards with messed up tail or any part of their body can you post a picture up?

  17. Griselda Rodriguez 1st periodApril 11, 2011 at 6:48 AM

    Mr.Reedy 1st period has really missed you hope to see you back soon again (:

  18. Bianca carvajal bio:2ndApril 11, 2011 at 7:04 AM

    wont the paint damage the skin.?

    will the paint effect lizards offspring.?

  19. You Guys Snap Hard! :D

  20. Kimberly from 2nd periodApril 11, 2011 at 7:16 AM

    Is there any possibility that these lizards will loose the color on their dulaps before the time needed to record their progress?

    Have any of you three been hurt while catching lizards? If any, was it a serious injury?

  21. Is there a lot of those green anole lizards!?

  22. Margarita Diaz prd 2nd 4/11/11April 11, 2011 at 7:17 AM

    does the coolor effect them for any reason??

  23. This is Dennis for 2nd i agree with mike wilson about hypothesis. And why did you pick Red and yellow why not unnatual colors like purple and green?

  24. christian cortez 2nd period-when are yah planing to come back or what yous gonna do with the lizards when yah come back?

  25. margarita diaz prd 2ndApril 11, 2011 at 7:18 AM

    has any of the lizards died?

  26. Laura (Robot) Estrada 2nd.April 11, 2011 at 7:18 AM

    Well if the lizards breathe through their skin won't the paint may effect in some way the way it breathes or give it some type of skin problems?
    Or would the lizard just shed it off at some point?

    What is that sharp utensil next the Lizard used for?

  27. Wouldn't the paint on the dewlap make the lizard sick or something?

  28. Nikki Solis 2nd PeriodApril 11, 2011 at 7:19 AM

    I think it does have an effect on the mating success because the different color of the dewlaps could attract different kinds of female lizards. The bright colors could attract a female lizard.

  29. margarita diaz prd 2ndApril 11, 2011 at 7:19 AM

    how many lizards have yuh caught?

  30. Eli -from 2nd periodApril 11, 2011 at 7:20 AM

    Has your experiment turned out as planed so far? ? do u thiink the lizerds will actually lay eggs in the nest box ?

  31. Alexx of 2nd period >:DApril 11, 2011 at 7:21 AM

    Go away robot lauraa! ima take out yo batteries! lol jk i lah you! but i agree with her, wont it cause some breathing problems?

  32. How many more lizards you guys need to reahc your goal???

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. eli its lizards
    not lizerds XD

  35. Doesn't that hurt the lizards? Have you ever accidently squished one while doing this?

  36. this comment is for laura[robot] from eli
    dear laura of course there going to shed there skin and the paint is going to shed off along with there skin there sheding ! gosh laura gosh !but i am curious ..will it actually affect the lizards health ?

    love -eli

  37. xDDDD

    exxx Deeee lol

  38. can you paint a real brown lizard with green paint to fool other lizards? or do green models to see how other lizard may react.

  39. Hey Mr. Reedy! Hope you are having fun. I have a question, how are you going to know which DNA is from what lizard once you start doing the tests? And aren't the red lizards more likely to get prey on since they have a brighter color?

  40. dear bianca

    i know leave me alone gosh your hurting my feeling it was an accident im sooooooorrrrrryyyy

    love Eli

  41. Laura Estrada 2nd :DApril 11, 2011 at 7:31 AM

    Eli: HEY! How do I not know that the paint strong enough that it could go through its skin? How do I not know the toxins in the paint could penetrate skine pores?

  42. Dear Eli,
    its feelings! not feeling nd i kno yur sorry .
    XD better be haha

    <3 bianca

  43. lorena garza 2nd period said: its really cool.Are the green anoles effected in any way by changing the color of the dewlaps other than the mating tidbit?Would the attacks on them be higher with the red additioned color on the dewlaps?

  44. soo Reedy how is it going over there are you having fun doing your experiment ? when are you coming back you left us !

  45. dear laura and bianca comment :[ outch hurtful !!!! goshhh !!! >;/ ..walk away

    love eli

  46. Elizabeth MartinezApril 11, 2011 at 7:50 AM

    Have any lizards died because the paint on the dewlaps make it easier for the preditors to spot them?

  47. How diffcult is it to tattoo the lizards?

  48. Rogelio Carabez 3rd PeriodApril 11, 2011 at 7:53 AM

    Hey Mr.Reedy I was wondering what kind of colors are you putting on the lizards? Like what type of range of color?

  49. Hey Mr. Reedy what is it that you do on your free time, if you have any ?

  50. How many lizards did you tattoed?
    Does the color affect them?

  51. Rogelio Carabez 3rd PeriodApril 11, 2011 at 7:56 AM

    I was wondering Mr. Reedy does the design on the dewlap affect the lizards at all in mating or other things?

  52. If the dewlap affects mating success, does that mean that females have a specific preference for the color patterns on the dewlaps?

  53. Mr. Reedy, is it possible for hatchlings to have the tattoed color passed on as a gene?

  54. Cong Deng from ZoologyApril 11, 2011 at 8:02 AM

    Mr.Reedy , i just watched your skype video, and you said you have collected 515 lizards so far.
    there are the questions:
    1, how many lizards are you going to tatoo?
    2,also , in the 515 lizards, how many are females and how many are male lizards?

  55. Does the inking of the dewlap affect their health?

  56. Could there be any side effectes because of the tatoos?

  57. Jacqueline Fuentes 3rdApril 11, 2011 at 8:09 AM

    Isn't taking DNA from the new hatchlings take too much time?


  59. Chicago's weather is bipolar ... anywho, Mr Reedy have you tried tattoing a lizard ? Is it hard ?

  60. Mr. Reedy, you guys should paint my dewlap as well :D

  61. I wonder if the paint attracts other lizards which creates more mating processes. I also wonder if it is only male dewlaps painted or both male and females.

  62. Can they get rid of the paint easily? Like after the rain.

  63. In response to jasmin ramos, don't worry I don't think this is animal cruelty. If they knew it would hurt the lizards it wouldn't have been done. I believe it's an interesting and unique way to experiment.

  64. Jacqueline Fuentes 3rdApril 11, 2011 at 8:22 AM

    I think tattoing the dewlap will probably affect the lizards ability to mate in a positive way. The "prettier" the dewlap looks the more attracted the female lizards will be.
    How are the dewlaps exactly being tattooed? Is there a specific pattern being tattoed? Is there only one color being used per dewlap?

  65. Will they more likely to get eaten because of the paint?

  66. While tattooing the lizards has anything gone wrong?
    Is there a possibility that the ink might come off?

  67. 1. Does that mean higher rate of survival for the lizards because the tattooing causes their dewlaps to be less attractive and no longer red so it will be harder for the predators to spot them?
    2. Are the tattoos permanent? Does it have an effect on their shedding and will the ink start to fade out when they shed their skins?

  68. Do you have a hard time tattooing the lizards? Wouldnt they move alot bcause of the pain they are experiencing?

  69. There are so many great questions here. I will try to answer a few more tomorrow. For now let me say a few things to answer some of the common questions. 1) Yes, the tatoo is permanent. It is the exact same kind of tattoo a person would get. The color is "candy apple red" by Bloodline.
    2) Yes, the lizard does feel a bit of pain. Probably about as much as a person does when they get a tatoo. Alexis works fast and the whole process is over for the lizard in under a minute.
    3) The change in color (red or yellow) could have a big effect on mating success for the males and could even effect survival.

  70. Elizabeth Tellez: 3 Period: ZoologyApril 12, 2011 at 5:01 PM

    How long does it take to tattoo the lizards? Also, how many lizards per day are getting tattooed?

  71. 1.are the tatoo's permanent? yellow and red the only two colors you will use for the lizards?
    3.would the lizards be affected by the ink? it hard to tatoo the lizards??

  72. during the mating process what do the female anole lizards look for besides their dewlaps.
    How did you decide which colors you were going to use on the lizards?

  73. how many lizards did you guy give tattoos to and how long did it take?

  74. How many lizards are you testing at a time to find out ur hypothesis?

  75. did any lisards die or hurt relly bad

  76. What do you predict that might happen to the lizards with less red in their dewlap?

  77. You should Tattoo Thug life on one of the lizards belly!

  78. How were you choosing the colors to put on the dewlaps? Was it Random?

  79. Do you think the ink will wear off eventually over time?

  80. About how many different colors are used on these lizards?

  81. What type of needles were used on the lizards??

  82. was it hard to tattoo the lizard's dewlap? about how long did it take to tattoo one lizard's dewlap?

  83. How can a color dewlap affects the chance of offspring for a male lizard?

  84. -What are the two colors for?
    -why didn't she use any other color?
    -The color is never going to come off right?
